Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Can You Lose Weight Without Aerobic Exercise?

It is widely accepted in the medical community that aerobic exercise is superior to
weight training in terms of body-fat reduction due to the metabolic fuel used during
the activity (fat).

Physiologists use the term Beta Oxidation to refer to the state in which fat is used for
energy. So, aerobic exercise is an activity that promotes beta oxidation and for this
reason it is the preferred choice for weight loss programs.

Weight training (or resistive exercise) has become popular in recent years as an
adjunct for weight loss but it is not by itself, a legitimate tool for weight loss, many
believe. With this in mind, I asked the question,
“What if one was to follow a low-calorie diet and the only activity was weight
training,?” “Would this be a better means of preserving muscle mass while on a
restricted diet?”

I ask this question, not because I’m against aerobics but due to the fact that many
overweight beginners do not have a lot of time and prefer weights over aerobic
activity. This was the beginning of my search for the truth on this topic. It seems only
logical that if one decreases energy input (calories) in conjunction with weight
training, the fat should come off. Is this indeed true?

Any investigation should prove that this is indeed true due to the magnitude of the
caloric restriction not so much the type of exercise performed. Let me explain. Many
unconditioned beginners have a low exercise tolerance and therefore the energy
expenditure is minimal making the diet a more powerful tool to induce weight loss.
The importance of exercise cannot be emphasized enough for the long term chronic
adaptations that contribute to permanent weight control.

This is where the controversy exists—is an individual better off, on a weight control
standpoint, to engage in strength training or aerobic activity. On one hand, strength
training promotes fat-free mass (muscle). Fat-free mass is a powerful influence on the amount of calories an individual burns throughout the day—what physiologists refer to as the resting metabolic rate (RMR). But on the other hand, aerobic activity
increases enzymatic function on a cellular level which ultimately allows more fat to be
burned throughout the day.

Aerobic activity done regularly also increases stamina (or the technical term V02MAX.), which in turn increases your RMR, independent of
increases in muscle. Which adaptation influences an individual’s metabolism the
most? This was my reason for doing my literature search and unfortunately came up
empty handed, due to the limited research on strength training (at the time).

The few studies that I found, did, in part, support my claim. Although no consensus,
to date, has been made, many believe, it could be a viable option. Here is the bottom
Dietary restriction has been shown to be a superior tool (compared to
exercise alone) to induce weight loss. There are, however, deleterious
consequences from this approach—loss of muscle, decreased metabolic
rate, etc. Weight training has been shown to counteract these negative
consequences (while on a moderate caloric restricted diet—1,200-1,500
calories/day). The studies indicate that resistance training may help
prevent an attenuation of RMR while on a moderate caloric restricted diet.
This means that weight training could help prevent the usual diet induced
decline in RMR during underfeeding.

Studies also indicate that resistance training results in maintenance of
muscle and, even regional increases in muscle during moderate caloric
restriction which is important since dieting tends to result in muscle loss.
In summary, more studies need to be performed on this topic in order to make any
definitive conclusion regarding this hypothesis. At the present time (June 1994),
there are no specific or concrete explanations as to what the proper caloric restriction
and the optimal exercise prescription that promote effective body-mass alterations
(i.e., maintain muscle mass and decrease body-fat).

To see the actual article I wrote please click on the link below:

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